Meaning Of Symbol 'ওঁ' 'Ohm'

Half moon and star have been recognized as symbols of Islam Meaning of symbol 'ওঁ' 'OHM'

Half moon and star have been recognized as symbols of Islam. Cross and Bell are symbolism of Christianity. Cross symbolizes holiness. This means salvation of mankind. The call is called by the Bell or the Hour. For this, the church bells ring at certain times. Through this, God's fans are also called.

There are two types of symbols in the traditional religion, the symbol of the word and the symbol of the symbol. The word mantra is spoken through the word. Mantra is a spiritual progress through accent.
Pronunciation of 'Ohm' is very sacred. God has three actions- creation, status and destruction To accomplish these three actions, three gods have been created.
These are Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar. All the other gods and goddesses are under them. So, OH- A , U, M  this three letters represent the power of god.

A-Creation Index (Brahma)
U-Status Index (Vishnu)
M-Destruction Index (Shankar)
The meaning of God in English is also as below .
G-Generator (creation)
O-Operator (status or keeping)
D-Destructor (Fusion or Destroy).
If you utter ‘OH’ properly then  physical and mental energy increases and it also improve  concentration power 

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