Know Which Type Of Sunscreen Is Suitable For Your Skin

 Know which type of sunscreen is suitable for your skin     Know which type of sunscreen is suitable for your skin

We use sunscreen to protect our skin but if we don’t choose proper sunscreen then it could be dangerous for your screen .
So before buying, know which type of sunscreen is suitable for your skin

1) Those whose skin is dry should use the moisturizing sunscreen to get the best results. This type of sunscreen helps to maintain moisture in the skin.

2) Those who have oily skin should use sunscreen that will keep the skin warm while keeping the skin moist. Remember, oily skin may cause acne or rash. So use sunscreen lotion or spray to get good results.

3) If the persoalan of acne or rashes is increased on skin then avoid using any sunscreen containing chemical and synthetic fragrances .

4) If your skin is sensitive, avoid the parasoben or sunscreen with oxibenzone.  the rash may appear on the skin using such sunscreen. Use sensitive titanium dioxide or zinc oxide sandstones for sensitive skin.

5) Minimum SPF 30 is required for skin protection. Those who have fair skin will get the best result if they use the SPF 50+ sun screen.

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